SUBTITLED: The Ongoing Sibling Rivalry of the Dim-witted Digital Camera Doofuses

But with our most recent family birthday bash on the weekend, I need to revisit and to put into context my relationship with my brother, Gerry, and how we fit into the complex, multi-faceted environment within our nuclear family.

For those novices to this blog, and I know there are millions that tune in each day, I'm the oldest in a family of six, my brother Gerry is the youngest.
Despite our age difference, which is about nine years, we are very similar. That is to say, we're both complete dolts.
We probably look more alike than the one other brother and three sisters between us, although he's about 3-4 inches taller than me, a fact I've complained to my mom about for years, to no avail.
I think I've posted before about how Gerry used to come out and play street hockey with us and how we used to play hockey in our basement, how he loved coming out with me on my insect-collecting expeditions.
Well, wouldn't you know it, here we are both old farts, and we're a lot alike.
We both like to tease our sisters and our mom incessantly, we like to kibitz with all the nephews and nieces during these family gatherings...basically, we both seem to need to try to get a rise out of them.
And as fate would have it, it's mostly Gerry and I who bring our digital cameras to all these events and take billions and billions of pictures.
So we're often both doing the same thing at the same time: teasing people and then taking their pictures, but also getting on each other's cases at the same time as we realize the absolute absurdity of it all.
So what follows is a pictorial collage of some of the pix we've taken of each other over the past few years in our little game of photographic one-upmanship that one of my sisters on Sunday called a Photo-Off.
So what follows is a pictorial collage of some of the pix we've taken of each other over the past few years in our little game of photographic one-upmanship that one of my sisters on Sunday called a Photo-Off.
Appropriate little photo cutlines are offered by me as appropriate.

OK, here my Sony malfunctioned and I accidentally took a nice pic of him.

This is him after he did some goofy thing to his ankle while trying to pretend he was 22 again and show off to the young nephews. More on this later.

Here's one of my famous female bum shots of one of the aunts. I won't say which one, but she's married to Gerry and her name is Kim. She basically provided almost all the food on Saturday and it was delectable.

This is one of Gerry's pix of my balding head. He seems to enjoy taking these kinds of pix, as you will see later.
This is one of Gerry's best shots of me.
Another super shot by Gerry.
OK, in the one above I really AM trying to look totally stupid. It worked. Oh, I guess the one below too.

Below, I'm telling Gerry how much I value him as a brother. That's my mom to my right. She's responsible for all this.
And she has previously given me permission to post her pix on my blog, although none of my sisters have.
The real Gerry is below.

More balding Chris pictures.

One really goofy thing that Gerry and I always do -- seeing as we're buffoons and no one else seems to take pix except us for family posterity -- is we take pix of each other taking pix. That's me below a few years ago.
A deeper insight into Gerry's beautiful mind...

Gerry telling me how much he admires me as his role model...
And she has previously given me permission to post her pix on my blog, although none of my sisters have.

More balding Chris pictures.

One really goofy thing that Gerry and I always do -- seeing as we're buffoons and no one else seems to take pix except us for family posterity -- is we take pix of each other taking pix. That's me below a few years ago.