I believe you would be able to find that somewhere in the nether regions of my mind, or at least in the dregs of my long forgotten previous posts, but I don't know how to direct you there. You'll have to go look yourself if you want.
As a refresher, the working example for my ground-breaking theory rested on this diagram below:
In the original super-complex diagram depicting the actual documented workings inside the modern female brain, all those little blue dots above represented single thoughts.
And they were all moving around at once, from top to bottom, much like a gargantuan canning factory assembly line with pulleys and levers operating in perfect unison, processing one thought after the other.
(Or just by gravity?)
With my tiny male brain (above), however, I could not figure out how to show in this post the moving version of the diagram, as I could not find it on YouTube. So this will have to suffice.
(Editor's note: There is also a sign depicted in the moving version with the word "NO" flashing every two seconds or so. I don't know if this is the part of the female brain that deals with men's request for sex and the typical response).
At the top of the diagram (not shown) is a little intro that says something like this:
"Every one of those little blue balls is a thought about something that needs to be done, a decision or a problem that needs to be solved."
Or, put another way, women's brains are wondrous things, far superior to men's.
They can process thousands of thoughts simultaneously, including such crucial facets of life as which way toilet paper should be installed: is it better to roll it up or roll it down.
Thus, the blue balls that move so efficiently below.
(Second Eds note: I have some recollection of a blue balls phenomenon, but in a different light).
At the bottom of the diagram, this simple statement is made:
A man's brain requires only two balls.
It isn't immediately clear what this last statement means in the evolution of our respective genders. Further research is required.