The Family (Or most of them)

The Family (Or most of them)
The Family

June 20, 2010

Fathers Day 2010

ThThat should be true. My daughter gave this to me -- I can't remember now if my son Evan ALSO gave it to me -- several years ago.
Today is Father's Day 2010. We know most of these days were just made up by the card companies to sell more cards. But it's like me saying I wish the Allies had never bombed Hiroshima.
My kids have done lots over the years to make sure I never feel like useless tits on a bull. But let's face it -- the mother is far more important than the male in child rearing, once you take impregnating the woman away.
But really, what IS then the role of a father? It IS or can be influential. It is being there, it is not being afraid to feel, it is teaching your kids what's right and what's wrong, it's being responsible, it's respecting.
It's a whole bunch of things. They all add up to it's loving.

My kids are grown now. For my son, especially, it's about learning to grow up and not be a doofus. And increasingly, at 18, he isn't.

The picture above is the pix of him I've got within the pic I brought back from India that also has some pix of my daughter. The pix, ironically, is of a snake charmer. And sometimes, with my kids, that's what I have to be.

I don't know where the pix went. But on my bed. I've got this little pillow given to many years ago by my daughter, who's now 22 or something.
On it, it says simply "A Father is somenone you look up to, no matter how tall you get." Fathers aren't the important life sustaining creature that mothers are. But we have no choice. Smile to your kids. Love them.