As I recall, this was some kind of thank you card from a young child in Montana when I did some sort of long-distance presentation. Below is just a goofy picture of me when I wthree months old.
Holy crap! I'm STILL terrorizing people!
And what does all this have to do with what you'd think I should be writing about? Well, it's simple, really. I was minding my own business on a lazy Sunday morning when a bunch of auto racing came on TV. It is so non-sensical.
Who cares that a bunch of machines can exceed incredible speeds? The American public. How shallow and easily entertained they are by the advances of technology!!
Below, that's my dear sister Lisa, her husband Darren and my former Damatian Jolson, the most stupid dog I've ever owned. This pic, I think, must have been taken many moons ago.
Before she went under my deck in winter to die.
These are pix of an emu taken at an Ontario wildlife park.