After many monumental moments of highly technical research and hypothesizing...
I have emerged with groundbreaking new theories in my continuing quest to explore and decipher the differences between the male and female brains.
My primary research guinea pigs, in this case, were these two brains (although it is debatable whether the subject on the right HAS a brain).
And the context of my incredibly technical experimentation techniques, which you would almost certainly not understand, involve a study into a dilemma every parent faces:
Their children want to get their drivers' licences. So they can use your car and get into untold trouble.

As a refresher, and to bring tardy or forgetful readers up to speed on my previous discoveries, I have previously released these advanced revelations in publications around the world.
Or at least in previous posts on my blog. Go look for them if you want, I don't know how to do the fancy link thingy that would bring you directly to them.
After exhaustive medical and psychological examinations, the illustration below sums up the most intensive analyses of what we currently know about the male and female brains:

However, to advance our knowledge, it was useful to compare male and female brains in an actual situational challenge that indeed did require some brain power and decision-making.
The question to be answered: How would each approach this landmark event? And how would each of them do?
In Canada, teenagers can legally acquire their drivers' licences at age 16.
My daughter did this a few years ago and my son, who is now 16, has begun his driver education course in the classroom.
This was immediately seized upon by yours truly, Within Without (PhD, F.O.S., Psych 101 in college).
I set out to use it as a comparative if not stressful opportunity to measure the brain capacity of both offspring when faced with a similar task.

More really neat and informative new facts on male and female brains are below.
But first we need to introduce you to the study subjects and pose the question:
Which of these two would you most likely trust to accomplish this task, get their drivers' licences and become good drivers?



OK, back to my serious theorizing now.Based on the pictures above of my daughter and son, my guess is that most of the millions of readers of this blog are likely to draw the conclusion that the female brain would be more mature and do a better job.
It's an established fact, outlined in my previous discoveries and postulations, that males of all species tend to think less about less important things and more about more important things.
However, as my most recent observations (below) seem to suggest, while males are more reckless and act with unthinking abandon, females can at times get distracted themselves by the process, rather than the end result.

Note, for example, the "ability to drive stick shift" lobe in the male brain, a new discovery.
Contrast that with the "sense of direction nuclei" and "irrational thoughts" sections in the female brain.
These differences can be somewhat explained by my latest studies of the younger female child, as below:
These significant differences between the male and female brains are super complex and more research is needed.
However, it's fair to say that by and large, these differences can lead to the following stereotypes towards either gender by the other gender.
I call it my Love Makes the World Go Round Reality (LMWGRR).

So...what does this all mean in terms of my study when it comes to first my daughter, and now my son, obtaining their drivers' licences and then battling with each other to use my car?
This graph explains it, kind of. Or maybe not.
What I know is I wasn't afraid when my daughter got her driver's licence, even though she DID get involved in a fender-bender weeks after she obtained her licence.
And now I AM afraid, VERY afraid, that my son is attempting to get his licence. However, this fear is not backed up by my groundbreaking research.