But they undoubtedly have left quicker in my mind because of his mightier than thou, nose up, I'm better than you attitude and style that he and his henchman, a rat with the last name of Radler, employed on the Canadian public years ago.
He begged and got the queen to make him a knight. So he is Sir Conrad, the same as King Arthur is Sir Arthur. What an embarrassment to the planet.
He closed down newspapers in many markets. He put many people out of work (not me). He got caught later for money laundering or fraud or something and was jailed in the U.S. After causing so many people their jobs. Their lives.
He is and was the worst ass. He's the kind of person who hid behind his money and power. He is like the worst example of humanity you could imagine. He is worse than the worst bug you could imagine. I can't believe he is getting out of jail.
I can't believe he is a Canadian. I can't believe he is a human been. I HOPE he is not allowed back in Canada, the country he once renounced so he could be lorded by Her Idiotness The Queen.
I fart in his general direction.
ReplyDeleteMJ: Great and well said. Who said that orinally? The Pink Panther?
ReplyDeleteWW: Conrad is no longer Canadian; he had to give up his former Canadian citizenship to get the knightship or lordship or whatever the Brits call it. This is one of the complicating factors that are now preventing him from getting back into Canada-- he wants to stay at the home in Toronto that he inherited from his father.
ReplyDeleteAssuming this is Doug...thanks. He is an ultra dink. That's the point. They should put his lordshit on an island and force him to survive without money or resources.
ReplyDeleteMonty Python.
ReplyDeleteMJ: The omly thing better would be the exploding rabbit aketch.
ReplyDeletesketch. not aketch. It's like kvetch.
ReplyDeleteI hope you don't let him back into Canada. Send his crooked ass over to Liz's place. Doesn't she have a few pet dogs? I'm sure one more wouldn't make that much of a difference.
ReplyDeleteErosWings: Bloody Hell! You're right! What a doink! He's the worst kind of Human Been...I think Liz has weiner dogs...too regal for him.
ReplyDeleteOh, and his henchman, Radler, WAS like a rat and crawled out of some dark hole to do his bidding. He was like some bully kid at the playground. Besides, this gives me an even 10 comments.