Me & my sister above, or one of them at least; below, my daughter.
Above. Darren; below, my sister Lisa. My sister Lisa above; and my oldest sister Lori and her daughter, Rachel. My nephew Justin (Shauna & Ken's son) Justin, before he got his jersey signed by Roberto Luongo.
My sister-in-law Kim, Gerry's wife. ben & Alex, his dad. Lori is the mom.
Kim & Gerry's Matthew
Lisa &Darren's daughter MaiaShauna, my sister, above; Gerry, my youngest brother & Kim's husband, Gerry, below.
That's Cole (my nephew & Lisa & Darren's son) above & my daughter Monica below This is my son, Evan And my dad Don, below Here's a young Justin & his cousin, Maia And here's their cousin, Josh Auntie Lisa & Evan... Basically, pictures DO say 1,ooo things.
I Had a sign on here that said "Winky Weinerhead Wants You" but I accidentally erased it.
Anyway, the Winter Olympics are oming to Canada in mid-month.
My pictures of the atletes are all gone but there's speedskaters Cindy Klassen & Clara Hughes and hockey phenom Jennifer Botterill of Manitoba, my province, on the Canadian women's hockey team.
And there's others, including phenom centre Jonathon Toews, on the mens' hockey team that I've written about and that I know pretty well.
Then there's tortoises.
These girls with interested male onlookers...
An explanation of the above phenomena... And the Attention span of males... The male gorilla, which shows the same huge interest in The Winter Games, is joined in its interest in The Games by the Grizzly bear below it. These are just sidelight pix to distract you. This woman below will almost certainly win the inaugural womens' beard-growing event. Below is a rendition of the "My brain can survive anything" event. Here is a shot of Spaceship Orion. Above is what I really look like. Below is a rendition of my younger brother Gerry. Snow anyone? I am the Supreme Being. This is Jaring Timmerman, a centenarian swimmer I got to know.
This below on the right is ME.
I LOVE HYMIE ON GET SMART! I just like this pic. Our GOOFY Prime Minister. My ex-newsroom.