The Family (Or most of them)

The Family (Or most of them)
The Family

March 18, 2011


This where I am. In Neepawa, Manitoba, Canada. The birthplace of author Margaret Laurence, who wrote a The Stone Diaries, among other books. And this is who I'm getting married to.

This is her beautiful sisters. Hey Meester, do you want to buy my seesters?
Besides being known for being the birthplace of author Margaret Laurence, Neepawa also bills itself as the lily capital of the world. It has a lily festival here every summer.

This is, of course, the proverbial stone angel.

This, again, is the stone angel. Some days, I feel just this way. Seriously, my future wife's parents are buried here. The author's remains are also there.

March 11, 2011


I have been away Farcebooking. It was like sitting on the toilet voiding. You know how you've been doing something your whole life, and you find that it is SO much better? This -- blogging -- is so much better.

The person above is Lis, whom I will marry in November. The people above her are my son Evan, my daughter Monica and me. My two kids now are much older than this and have their own GF and BF, respectively.

It allows the readers and the writer to actually think. What a novel concept huh? AND be commercial-free and so unlike what everyone else is doiing with their simplistic -- bless them -- thoughts on Farcebook.

I don't mean their thoughts are simplistic, just that they are abbreviated like TV, and can't tell the whole story.

It allows us to get away from the commercialism of Farcebook. I may very well continue on there, but I have missed the substance & beauty of those on Booger.

I have met many on Farcebook. But I admire you all and look forward to talking to you.

October 24, 2010

Last Post

This blogging has become nothing but a heartache.

It's another week of nothingness. Granted, I don't seem to want to go visit others, so why should they visit me? I have discovered how to marry videos with Farcebook. Even on that medium, there is more of an exchange, and a nearly instaneous one.

Goodbye, blogging friends.
